Trauma Research Logo
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Who is eligible to participate?

Any child between the ages of 8-16 years who has suffered a traumatic event and is displaying one or more of the symptoms being focused on in the research and is currently being case managed by a clinician from Eastern CAMHS. The participants can be inpatients or outpatients of Maroondah Hospital.

Additionally, the children/adolescents need to be undergoing individual treatment, as these groups will not be "debriefing" the child/adolescent from the traumatic event.

What commitment do the clients need to make?

Children/adolescents who participate in the study will be involved in group therapy work. Each module consists of 3 x 1.5 hour sessions that will be run consecutively over a three-week period.

Children/adolescents only need attend the module for which the symptom is present/relevant. Eg: A child who is exhibiting avoidance behaviour post-trauma but no other symptoms being focused on in the research, need only attend the relevant module (Module 4). Thus the commitment is minimal.

Additionally, as with any research, the child, adolescent or parents can withdraw from the study at any time.

The clients, if they decide to participate will be required to fill out 3 questionnaires. One prior to the group treatment, another immediately post group treatment, and the last 6-months after group treatment.

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